Ushers should arrive by 10:30 (9:30 during summer hours)

Prepare Narthex:

Turn light on in Memorial Cabinet in Narthex.  Light switch is on right of cabinet.

Turn on lights; switch is at the back of the Sanctuary, to the left of the center window.

Turn off phone in Narthex (entry area).  Switch is on rear side of phone.

Fill water glass in pulpit from sink in Sacristy.  When there are baptisms, fill Baptismal Font with 3-5” of water.

Light all candles upon arrival.  (Matches are at the rear of the Sanctuary or near candles.)  Check candles and wicks before lighting, and if oil is needed, get help with replenishing.

Delegate ushers to organize worship materials in the rear of the Sanctuary; service bulletins; large print bulletins and hymnals.

Assign ushers at each door for welcome and farewells.

Turn chairs in Lounge to face the Sanctuary.

LOWER Lounge windows to open them.  Trying to raise them may cause them to jam.

See that Bibles and Hymnals are taken from shelving unit and distributed on chairs in the

lounge with bulletins.

Greet worship attenders introducing yourself to those you don’t know and asking to assist those

who may be visiting, inviting them to fellowship (and giving them directions to Fellowship


Watch for persons coming in ramp door; help as needed and bring them service bulletins.

Make sure offering plates are at the back of the Sanctuary; look under rear seat, if necessary.

Assign collection aisles (center and two side) with most experienced ushers in side aisles (by

The windows and adjacent to the Lounge).

During the Service:

Hold late arrivals quietly at the back during prayer or scripture readings.  Seat them in back row

or walk forward during hymns while congregation is standing.

Carefully count entire congregation, including children, the choir, persons in the lounge,

ushers, etc. and record the number by date in black book on shelf at the back.

Wait for offertory music to begin, then have six ushers walk down front in unison.  Better to have experienced ushers in side aisles, with two ushers in center aisle.

Bring down collection during Doxology while congregation is standing.  Set plates on credenza mantel (under rose window).  If mantel is occupied (with seasonal decorations, etc.), set plates on communion table.

On Communion Sunday, the first two Elder servers will bring down the collection plates (instead of the ushers), handing them to the minister who places them on mantel.

Periodically walk through the rest of the building for security reasons.

After the Service :

Pick up used bulletins and paper in sanctuary (check pews and pew racks); place in trash

basket in the secretary’s office, straighten Bibles, Hymnbooks, pencils, etc.

Place a few left-over bulletins on literature table in the Narthex.

Straighten lounge, rearrange furniture, and raise the windows to close.

Empty water glass in pulpit.

Check for lost items and if any are found bring to the secretary’s office and leave a note.

Bolt ramp door.

Extinguish all candles.

Turn off Sanctuary lights upon leaving.  Switch is at the rear, to the left of the window.

Turn off Memorial Cabinet light in the Narthex.

Turn phone in Narthex back on.

Thank you for your service to the church and to the glory of God

Worship Helpers

First Presbyterian Church

Wellsboro, PA

First Presbyterian Church of Wellsboro

130 Main Street, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, 16901

Office Telephone:  570-724-3431  Email:

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