First Presbyterian Church

Wellsboro, PA

First Presbyterian Church of Wellsboro

130 Main Street, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, 16901

Office Telephone:  570-724-3431  Email:

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The First Presbyterian Church of Wellsboro will provide a wedding venue for members in good standing with the First Presbyterian Church of Wellsboro, PA (active members) who are regular in worship attendance and active in other ongoing ministries of the church.  This policy shall prevail in all cases other than for those currently scheduled as of the date of this action, May 21, 2014, or as otherwise approved by the Session.

1.  Members of the church who are less than active in accordance with the policy may still be married in the church provided the Session approves - here we're thinking of children who have moved away to start a career, perhaps have served overseas, attended college etc, but who have not yet had the opportunity to find another church home.  

2.  Those who are in good standing with another congregation may be married here provided the Session approves - here we're thinking of interdenominational marriages or those who, for convenience (i.e. family location), may choose to be married here.  Generally we would ask for some sort of support from their home congregation. 

3.  Those who are not members of this church but who present a compelling case to be married in the church may still be married here with Session approval - here we're thinking of compelling cases of non church members, perhaps someone who has been attending church but have not yet made the move to join but whose marriage might help advance our ministry to them.