Communion Servers Instructions

Worship Helpers

 Instructions for Communion Servers - First Presbyterian Church, Wellsboro

Communion servers assist the celebrant (usually this is the pastor) with distribution of the communion elements to the congregation. Typically the congregation remains seated while the communion elements are brought to them. Communion servers should be ordained elders.

Preparing for communion

There should be eight communion servers, although six would be enough if there is a small attendance. Please attempt to establish whether all assigned servers are present before reaching the communion in the order of worship. Remember that some assigned servers may be in the choir. If there are not enough servers, alternates can be "drafted" from the ordained elders in attendance.

Prior to the last music or anthem before communion, all servers who are not in the choir should gather at the back of the sanctuary at the top of the center aisle. Form in two lines. The first pair of servers (one from each line) should carry the offering plates, while the second pair will carry the communion plate with bread and the communion pitcher. The remaining servers should carry hymnals so they will be available for use later.

At the start of the singing of the anthem or other music, the servers proceed down to the dais. Servers who are from the choir should move to join the other servers when they arrive. Those carrying the offering plates give them to the celebrant, who receives them and places them on o15 this, those carrying the communion plate and pitcher give these to the celebrant, who will receive them and place them on the communion table. The servers will remain standing in front of the benches on the dais until they (and the congregation) are asked to sit after the music 

Distribution of the Elements

Each server has a specific role in the distribution of the elements. This is most easily defined by where they are located when on the dais. This is summarized in the diagram below:
 Distribution begin by the servers in position A and B taking one plate (of bread or juice) at a time from the stack on the table and passing it to the next server to pass down to the end. Once this is complete, servers C, D, E, F, G and H process down to the congregation.

Communion Table 

In terms of workload, the servers who are in the side aisles (positions E and F) have the most as they pass items from two sets of pews at a time.

When distributing the elements to the congregation, it can be a judgement call whether to pass items across the full length of a pew, or to pass them separately from each side. If possible, minimize the need for parishioners to get up and carry the item from one end of the pew to the other.

After the servers assigned to the choir loft and lounge (positions A and B above) are done, they should return to stand next to the communion table to await the return of the other servers. After the congregation has been served, all other servers (positions C, D, E, F, G and H) should return again to the top of the center aisle, arrange again in two rows, and then proceed down to the dais. After this, all servers should be standing in front of the benches.

Distribution is completed by the plates being placed one at a time back on the communion table as they are passed in from the other servers.

Thanks to all Worship Assistants who give their time and energy to our church and to the glory of God.


(Often a choir member) Serves organist and any choir on left side, then through door to lounge

Serves left side from the center aisle

Serves left side from the side aisle

Serves left side from the aisle along the wall

(Often a choir member) Serves the choir on the right side.

Serves right side from the center aisle

Serves right side from the side aisle

Serves right side from the aisle along the wall

First Presbyterian Church

Wellsboro, PA

First Presbyterian Church of Wellsboro

130 Main Street, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, 16901

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