First Presbyterian Church
Wellsboro, PA
First Presbyterian Church of Wellsboro
130 Main Street, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, 16901
Office Telephone: 570-724-3431 Email:
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For the “Weekly Announcements” Page: (Replace entire page with)
Our Layreader this morning is: John Shaffer
Ushering this week are: Gabe, Alice, Astrid Hakvaag & Donna LeShander
Fellowship Hour Host:
Altar Flowers:
Bulletin Deadline is Tuesday 12:30PM
Next Sunday: July 6th ~ Communion
Scriptures: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
Sermon: “The Call”
This week in prayer: Mike & Nan Bowser, Martha Lowe, Bob & Joyce Erway, Julia Finestone, Ashley Johns & Family, John Mills, Bill Townsley, Nancy Matthews, Schenley Himes, Janet Owlett, Barb & Dave Davies, Tom & Karen Jeffers
This Week’s Prayer Family of the Week: Sue Trescott
We, the Member Care Committee, would like to establish a flower fund for altar flowers that will be partially funded by monies in the church budget in the next fiscal year. Checks should be made out to First Presbyterian Church, with a notation that the donation is to be added to the flower fund. Thank you for your help with this effort!